Library / Resource Center
College of ophthalmology and Allied Vision sciences has a dynamic learning resource center for their students, staff, faculty members and researchers. This Learning Resource Center established in 2005 in its present place. The LRC has established its repute among medical institutions by providing excellent services and facilities to fulfill information needs of its users… LRC is serving a large community of ophthalmic users. LRC has a large collection of all subjects of Ophthalmology. The library has a range of collections both in print and electronic formats. The major collections are the Books, Journals, Academic material in soft form i.e. CDs and DVDs, Student Dissertations.
The library has the collection on the following topics: Anatomy of Eye, Binocular Visions, Biochemistry, Contact Lense, Cornea, Computers, Dictionaries, Dispensing, Forensic Medicine, Glaucoma, Microbiology, Neuro-Ophthalmology, Nursing & Nutrition, Ocular & Therapeutics, Ophthalmic Radiology, Ophthalmology, Optics, Optometry, Orbit, Orthoptics, Paramedical Course, Pathology, Pediatric Ophthalmology, Pharmacology, Physiology, Public/Community Health, Refraction, Retina, Surgery, Uveitis, Vision Sciences.
The books and other reading materials are arranged subject wise into various sections. The library material has been classified through internationally recognized; the Dewey Decimal Classification Scheme, which provides basis to catalogue and shelving of information resources.
Library Software and Web OPAC (Online Public Access Catalogue)
Library is utilizing an open source library system LIMS to automate the operations of the library. All materials of the library are entered in this software and can easily be searched by title author, subject and keyword within library premises. A web OPAC will be launched soon.
Information Literacy management
The library provides a wide range of services to its users and enables them to use the library with its optimum potential and how to find required data from print and electronic resources. The following services are part of information literacy Management. E-Journals, E-Books, Online Databases, CDs/DVDs, Press Clippings, Print Journals, PubMed, Mesh.
LRC Digital Library / HEC Digital Library Link
LRC library is planning to create its own digital library with the help of open source technologies. The LRC digital library will contain digital resources such as electronic books, faculty research, student projects, thesis and presentations.
Library Systems
The professional LRC staff is always welcome the users to provide in-depth reference and research support. Users can send their queries through e-mail. There are 8 computers systems for the users to support their research and knowledge.
Information Services
- Turnitin (Anti Plagiarism Software for Researchers)
- Library Guide
- Literature Search
- Citation Management
- Reference Service
- Circulation
- Current Awareness Services
- Inter Library Loan
- E- Books
- Photocopy Services
- Printing & Scanning
WI-FI Facility and Internet Usage
Wi-Fi facility is available in the LRC Library. Patrons can use any device with a built-in wireless adaptor to avail this service.
Internet usage rules
- Only a member of the LRC will be eligible to use the Internet.
- Users are allowed for browsing, surfing and searching the academic and research material.
- Users will be liable to pay for any damage to the system or any other damages.
- Chat and messengers and social media are not allowed.
- Users will be penalized for browsing obnoxious material and for misconduct by the competent authority and their Internet privileges shall be revoke.
Reprographic Services
In order to facilitate library users, LRC library also provides paid printing, photocopying and facilities
Library Timings
Library provides services to their user’s 8:00 am to 8:00 pm without any break except Friday.
Library Professionals
The library is manned by qualified and experienced professionals, all dedicated to provide high quality innovative services.
- Rabia Naz (Morning) – Librarian Email:
- Shaf Ullah (Evening) – Librarian Email:
- Iftikhar Ali – Assistant Librarian Email: